Updated 9 October 2024
Date of Assessment: 21 October 2024 to 04 November 2024. The service is a care at home service providing support to adults of all ages living with dementia, a physical disability or sensory impairment. We found six breaches of regulations relating to medicines and risk management, person-centred care, staffing, complaints, consent, and governance. The governance systems in place had failed to identify and rectify the widespread and significant concerns found at this assessment. People were not receiving consistently person-centred care that met their needs. This was because there were not enough suitably trained and skilled staff to provide continuity of care. People did not always know which staff member would be providing care or when, and legal consent to care was not always in place. The risks to people had not been consistently identified and/or mitigated and people had not always received their medicines safely or as prescribed. There was no effective system in place to manage concerns and complaints and where people had raised concerns, these had not been effectively recorded, managed, investigated, and/or responded to. The culture of the service was closed with low staff morale. Staff did not feel valued or supported and told us they felt pressurised to deliver care as they were not given enough travel time to get to people in good time. In instances where CQC has decided to take civil or criminal enforcement action against a provider, we will publish this information on our website after any representations and/or appeals have been concluded. This service is being placed in special measures . The purpose of special measures is to ensure that services providing inadequate care make significant improvements. Special measures provide a framework within which we use our enforcement powers in response to inadequate care and provide a timeframe within which providers must improve the quality of the care they provide.