Poplars Care Home is a residential care home for 27 older people with a range of needs, including living with dementia. Rating at last inspection
At the last inspection, the service was rated Good.
Rating at this inspection
At this inspection we found the service remained Good.
Why the service is rated Good.
The Poplars Care Home continues to support people safely and appropriately.
People, relatives and professionals gave us positive feedback on the service and the care that was provided to people using the service.
We also observed caring and professional interactions between staff and people using the service. Staff were attentive and made sure people were comfortable and safe.
People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice.
Staff received training on safeguarding adults and knew what action to take if they suspected a person was at risk of harm.
People were supported in a caring way and their care was tailored to meet their individual needs and interests.
People were supported to maintain relationships with their family and friends. This included seeing them and using technology, with the support from staff, to email family members to keep in regular contact.
Improvements had been made to the environment and rooms were brighter and offered people the chance to reminisce about the past. The environment, including the garden, was welcoming and gave people the chance to spend time in different areas of the service.
Systems were in place to ensure people safely received their medicines when required.
There were sufficient numbers of staff working in the service and this was reviewed on a regular basis.
Recruitment procedures were in place to ensure checks were carried out on new staff before they worked with the people using the service.
Training and support was available for all staff members to help them gain the skills to support people with various needs and they received information on current good practice.
People’s needs and presenting risks were assessed and reviewed to ensure staff understood and knew people’s current needs and abilities.
People were involved in their care and were asked for their views on a range of subjects, including the meal provision and activities.
People were happy with the meal provision and we saw they were offered plenty of drinks throughout the inspection to ensure they were hydrated.
There were various activities on offer for people each day. This included group and one to one sessions. Trips out in the community were also arranged.
Some people were able to make a complaint if they were unhappy and they also had the support of their family members who could also represent their views.
There were audits and checks in place to monitor the quality of service provision. These checked different aspects of the service to identify any problems and to see what was working well.
There was a registered manager in post and a deputy manager who was in the process of becoming the registered manager. The management team were experienced and were receptive to the inspection. They showed a passion for the support and care people received and the improvements they had made and wanted to make in the future.
The service continued to meet all relevant fundamental standards.
Further information is in the detailed findings below