20 May 2021
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We found the following examples of good practice:
The registered manager had made a decision to change their visiting policy to stop all but essential visits to people. This was in response to rising COVID-19 infection levels and cases of a variant of concern in the local area. The registered manager explained that this concern and the vulnerability of the people using the service had led them to making this decision.
However, this decision had been made in consultation with people, their relatives, the local authority and public health teams. Risk and capacity assessments were put in place for people. Relatives were able to discuss any circumstance where they wished to see people inside the home and the registered manager supported them to do this in spite of the change to visiting policy. We were assured that this decision had been made in people's best interest.
Staff were trained and confident in infection control practices and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE). Staff spoke positively about how well supported they had been working at the service. People and staff took part in regular COVID-19 testing and had been supported to take part in the COVID-19 vaccination program.
The service was clean and well ventilated. Cleaning schedules and audits had been updated in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Audits were used to identify where any improvements could be made.
People were supported to see their family and friends for outside visits as well as virtually using media devices and a large virtual activity board.
The registered manager completed risk assessments for people and the staff team regarding COVID-19 to help mitigate risk and keep them safe.