Our current view of the service
12 November 2024
Wolfeton Manor is a care home that provides accommodation and personal care for up to 31 people. At the time of the assessment, there were 24 people living at the service. The service provides care and support to older people and people living with dementia. We carried out our routine on site assessment on 5 December 2024. We looked at 5 quality statements; Safeguarding; Involving people to manage risks; Safe and effective staffing; Independence, choice and control and Equity in experiences and outcomes. There was some Inconsistency in recording which meant potential risks to people were not always well managed, the manager took immediate action to rectify these shortfalls. Safeguarding processes were robust and staff spoke knowledgably regarding reporting potential abuse. There were enough appropriately trained, skilled staff on each shift to ensure people were cared and supported safely. People’s rights were fully respected, and consent was sought from people. People were given choice in how they spent their day and were involved in their care. Care plans and records were person centred. People had access to a wide range of health and social care professionals to ensure they received timely, individualised care. Staff had completed training in equality and diversity and people were treated with respect and dignity.
People's experience of the service
12 November 2024
People told us they enjoyed living at Wolfeton Manor and felt safe with the staff. The service shared concerns quickly and appropriately. Comments included "There is always someone around" and "I don't have to worry at all". Staff and leaders were confident in their safeguarding responsibilities. Leaders told us how unannounced nighttime spot checks helped to ensure people were being provided with safe and effective care; free from harm, abuse or neglect. Results from surveys found overwhelming satisfaction with the care and support people received at Wolfeton Manor. The service had received compliments from relatives, 1 said 'The staff are incredibly friendly and the wellbeing of the residents is at the heart of what they do. They provide a range of activities for the residents to take part in and also encourage them to do so.' A relative told us; 'The activities and entertainment available in my opinion are 5 star. Outdoor trips on a boating trip, a visit to a holiday park, a show at a theatre earlier this year plus live music and events are outstanding.' People and their relatives felt involved in their care, they felt listened to and were confident any concerns would be dealt with appropriately. Relatives described the staff and management as being 'always approachable and amenable'. People and relatives told us they could raise their views that would be acknowledged and actioned. People described staff as being; 'kind, considerate, friendly, caring'. People told us staff treated them as individuals and enabled people to do the things that mattered to them. A relative described the staff as; "excellent, nothing is too much trouble, always there with a smile, always ready to help or answer a question." A GP was positive about the service and told us staff were experienced, knowledgeable and responsive.
People and relatives told us there were enough staff on each shift to care for people safely, and the staff team knew them well and knew their likes and dislikes.