- Homecare service
Lumina Care Wigan & St Helens
Report from 15 May 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Date of assessment: 19 November to 5 December 2024. Lumina Care Wigan & St Helens is a domiciliary care service. Thirty people used the service. An assessment has been undertaken of a specialist service that was registered for use by autistic people or people with a learning disability. At the time of the assessment, the service was not used by anyone with a learning disability or an autistic person. However, we assessed the care provision under Right Support, Right Care, Right Culture, as it is registered as a specialist service for this population group. Our overall rating is good. Some improvements were addressed during our assessment to ensure peoples medicines were recorded robustly and to ensure there was sufficiently detailed guidance for staff to follow for people’s specific medical conditions. Staff were safely recruited and received training appropriate to their role. People received consistent care from staff who knew them well. People were protected from the risk of abuse and systems were in place to support people through personal challenges or changes in their needs. The provider had clear systems in place to ensure the care provided to people was of a high standard. Systems were in place to engage with people and listen to the views of both people who used the service and their families. Staff felt well supported and spoke positively of working for the provider.
People's experience of this service
People told us they were happy with the care they received from Lumina Care Wigan & St Helens. People spoke positively about staff and told us the provider demonstrated flexibility to meet their needs when things needed to be changed. We were told staff were reliable, attentive and treated people with dignity and respect. People told us staff knew what they were doing, and they knew how to raise a concern if they were unhappy with an aspect of the care they received.