23 December 2013
During a routine inspection
"I'm aware how to complain, things have got better since the branch manager came"; "They've helped me to remain independent" and "I'm treated very well" and "We are quite satisfied."
People told us they were happy with the staff and generally had the stability of the same team of staff. They made comments such as:
"Good relationship with the staff, mostly a core team"; "Staff phoned about a month ago to check everything was okay" and "Staff are great."
We noted improvements made in the review of training and supervision of staff records. All newly recruited staff received at least fives days training within their induction to help them with their appointed role. Staff were happy with the amount of training offered to help them with their skills and experience to meet people's needs. Regular checks were in place to show how people were trained and supported in subjects necessary for their job.
The quality assurance processes had been reviewed and produced updated evidence of various checks being in place. They covered standards of care provided by their staff and checks on the standard of record keeping produced in care records.