We spoke with a person using the service and two family members. Attempts to contact additional people using the service were unsuccessful. We were told that Phoenix Care Services provided a high quality of care and people were happy with the staff who supported them. One relative said, "I'm very grateful . . . I couldn't have done without them." Another relative said the service was "absolutely excellent in all aspects." We were told that people were treated with dignity and respect. We found that people experienced care, treatment and support that met their needs and protected their rights. People told us they were included in the care planning process and staff understood their needs.
We found that people's safety and well-being was safeguarded and people felt that the staff provided care in a safe manner. One family member said they felt their relatives were "100% safe." A person using the service said they felt safe when staff supported them.
We found that staff were appropriately trained and supported to fulfil their role to a good standard. Staff received regular training and supervision to support them in their role.
We found concerns with how people's medication administration needs were assessed, planned, delivered and recorded. Records and plans were inconsistent and unclear. People were not protected against the risks associated with medicines.