People told us that they could make choices about the way that they spent their days in the home and the care that they received. We saw that people led very different lives within the home according to their preferences and needs. One person who spent a lot of time in their room told us 'I am quite happy. This is a good home. I chose how I spend the day. I like my own company and I am never lonely. I have plenty to do.' We heard that if people wanted company and activities there was a wide programme to choose from. The manager told us that she tries to find out what people were interested in before they came to the home and enable them to maintain an interest.
Everyone we spoke to had something positive to say about the care they had received. One person said 'I have no complaints. They are very good. They will get me anything I want.'
We saw that people's health improved in the home and noted that one person had become much more mobile and had gained weight as a result of the care provided in the home. Another person told us 'I was really down when I came here. I am much better now.' People living at the home appeared very comfortable and relaxed with the staff who supported them.
People in the home praised the staff. They said 'the staff are very caring'night and day' One person told us how her key worker asked her 'is there anything you want done? Anything I can help you with?' The carer had mended a cardigan so that an 'old favourite' could still be worn. In the homes most recent quality assurance questionnaire people said that staff met their needs in a satisfactory or very satisfactory way.
There are regular residents meetings held in the home at which people and their relatives can express an opinion about the service they receive. We saw the minutes of the meetings that indicated most people had very positive views about the home. People told us that they can talk to the manager at any time. When care plans are audited monthly people and where appropriate, their relatives, are asked by the key workers if they are happy with their care.