Updated 31 May 2024
Date of assessment: 28 August to 31 October. We assessed the service due to concerns received about the culture of the organisation and staff not accessing medical treatment in a timely way. We assessed 10 quality statements under the safe, caring and well- led key questions. Processes were in place to ensure people received safe care. Staffing levels appeared to meet people’s needs and staff had completed a wide variety of training. Staff were recruited safely. Medicines were managed safely. However, there were some missing risk assessments for paraffin containing creams, which was corrected once highlighted during the assessment. People had detailed care plans and risk management plans in place. The service worked well with external health professionals. Staff we spoke with were knowledgeable about people and their needs, and a comprehensive training schedule was in place for staff. We received mostly positive feedback from staff; however, some staff told us staffing levels did not always meet people’s needs on weekends. There appeared to be enough staff to support people during our visits to the service and staff were responsive to people’s needs. There was a positive team culture within the service. We received consistently positive feedback from healthcare professionals. One professional told us the service had a strong multi-disciplinary focus and this was supported by feedback we received from other professionals, relatives and staff.