Archived: Time to Care

Chatton Sandyfords, Chatton, Chathill, Northumberland, NE67 5JD

Provided and run by:
Stephen Clark & Claire Clark

Important: This service is now registered at a different address - see new profile

All Inspections

3 January 2012

During a routine inspection

The person living at Chatton Sandyfords told us they were happy with the care and support they received from staff. This individual had been there for six weeks only. We asked the person several questions about their experience of social activities, food, staff interactions and leisure time to assess whether they were happy there.

They confirmed they were given choices in life although they had concerns about the limits that had been set on going into Newcastle city. The person was aware that this had been agreed and discussed with them and with a multi disciplinary team at the time when they came to live at the home. However the service had made sure the person had a music centre and television in their room as well as a remote control helicopter, which we saw were used and enjoyed. The home allowed smoking outside and this was one of the person's preferred activities.

We saw activities were on offer for example trips out into the local community and to the local sports centre. However these had been declined. Records showed that family visits took place each week. The person said they enjoyed seeing their family and had particularly enjoyed a trip made to see them over Christmas.

Conversations with staff and the person showed that house keeping skills were encouraged. These included putting laundry into the washing machine, making the bed and shopping. Such skills are important as they help to promote independence and will aid this person's future move to a less supported environment. This was reflected in their care plan.