At the time of this inspection 20 people lived at the home. We met with or saw everyone who lived at Endeavour. We spent time speaking in depth with five people who lived there as well as speaking with four relatives and seven staff, including the providers, Mr & Mrs Bhullar. A number of people that lived at this service had a dementia type illness and therefore not everyone was able to tell us about their experiences. To help us understand the experiences of people we used our SOFI (Short Observational Framework for Inspection). This involved us observing four people who used the service for a period of at least one hour and recording their experiences at regular intervals. This included people's mood, and how they interacted with staff members, other people who use services, and the environment. It helped us to gain an understanding of people's general well-being. Some people using the service were able to tell us their views.
We observed that people were treated with respect by the majority of the staff team. Staff were kind and patient in their approach, offering people reassurance and support in a friendly way. We saw that people were offered choices with regard to meals, activities and where they spent their day. We observed one incident where people were not fully respected by one member of staff. This was discussed with the providers and the member of staff during the inspection. The providers have assured us that they will provide additional supervision and training for one member of staff to ensure the standards expected are maintained.
People told us they were happy living at Endeavour. One person said, 'I am quite happy here', another person told us, 'I am well cared for'. Other comments included, 'I have nothing to grumble about. I have made lots of friends here', 'I have settled in. It is good here and I am happy', 'I am getting good care here. It's all very nice'. People were happy with the food provided, comments included, 'The food is excellent', 'Food is perfect. We have a choice and can ask for something different', and 'Good standard of food' People told us the home was 'always' clean and free from offensive odours. Comments included, 'Everything is always nice and clean', 'Always up to standard with the cleaning' and 'It is lovely and clean here'.
We spoke with three relatives. All told us that they were happy with the care and support their family member received at the home. Relatives told us they always received a warm welcome and were always offered refreshments. Comments from relatives included, 'Mum is treated well. We are happy for her to be here', 'X has made remarkable progress here. I am always given warm welcome by the staff', and 'I think it is very good here. Staff are always at hand, they work hard and they are always cheerful'.
Following the inspection we spoke with 2 health care professionals, including a community psychiatric nurse and community nurse. One visiting professional told us that the owners always took people's well-being seriously and that the home liaised with other professionals appropriately to ensure people's best welfare. One professional told us, 'I always recommend this home if there is a need for a placement as it is a good place'. Another professional said, 'They know their service users well. They monitor people's health needs well. Communication with the home is excellent'.
We looked at some of the key records kept by the home. These included care plans, risk assessments, staff rotas and staff training records. This helps us to better understand how well the home is run.