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  • Care home

Archived: Kings Lodge Nursing Home

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Main Road, Cutmill, Chidham, West Sussex, PO18 8PN (01243) 573292

Provided and run by:
London Residential Healthcare Limited

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

Report from 19 March 2024 assessment

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Updated 4 July 2024

Improvements had been made with ensuring medicines were stored safely. Infection protection and control procedures had also improved significantly. The registered manager had worked to promote an inclusive service, improved the culture of the home and improved oversight of care through consistent and robust quality assurance systems. People and staff spoke positively about the registered manager’s approach.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Shared direction and culture

Score: 3

The registered manager told us the management team were accessible and open. Staff confirmed this. The registered manager said, "I have an open approach and if you spoke to staff, I think you would see that is evident. I'm confident people you speak to will agree with that." The registered manager continued. “We have good team work here; an ambition that everyone is on the right track.” Staff told us, "It's really good. We got training in equality and inclusion. It was so good. It was so engaging. He changed our mindset."

The registered manager showed a focused approach in continuing the great culture of the home and providing a positive approach. Equality and Diversity training was in place for all staff to complete as part of their core training and completion compliance was high.

Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders

Score: 3

The services registered manager was compassionate and inclusive. Staff told us, “The registered manager is good in everything she does. Communication is good and we have quality meetings every week.” Another said, the clinical lead is just as good. “I can go to him if the registered manager is unavailable or I need to ask more clinical questions.” Another said, leaders are so visible on the floor, guiding us.”

The provider had appropriate processes in place designed to ensure their vision and values were understood by all members of the staff team. Staff had been supported compassionately by their managers and any adjustments were made available in response to staff needs.

Freedom to speak up

Score: 3

Staff knew how to raise concerns either to the registered manager or the provider. Where staff had reported issues, they told us they were being investigated. Staff told us, “I trust them [senior leaders], an issue large or small will be resolved.” Another said, “Our head of compliance and HR encourage us to speak up, should we need to.”

The service has system in place to ensure any concerns reported by staff were investigated and resolved. Records of recent investigations showed managers had made appropriate changes within the service as a result of leaning identified during investigations into staff concerns.

Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion

Score: 3

Staff felt well supported and fairly treated by the service’s leadership. They explained that the registered manager had given them additional time, support and guidance to help them gain the skills necessary to be as effective as possible but maintaining a good standard of wellbeing.

There were proactive processes in place for staff equality, inclusion and wellbeing. There was positive feedback from leadership and staff in this area. For example, there were various staff appreciation days held where staff could celebrate achievements. Cultural days were arranged. Staff dressed up in customary clothes and made culinary dishes from the country they were celebrating. Staff received equality and diversity training, which staff fed back was very effective. Staff also completed inclusion training which was specifically designed for staff to understand different ways of working and understanding the different cultures that were employed at the service. An Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) was in place through the provider, where services such as counselling were offered. Staff feedback was also positive about this and staff were aware how and when they could access this.

Governance, management and sustainability

Score: 3

Staff were well supported and there were appropriate systems in place to ensure staff were able to access guidance and support whenever required. The registered manager said, “There is always a experience member of staff available for guidance.” Staff said managers were approachable and their comments included, “The manager is brilliant” and “[registered manager] is lovely, they are great.” Relatives were also complimentary of the service leadership and told us, “The registered manager said, “The manager is very approachable, I can see [Them] no problem” and “[The registered manager] is a really nice manager.”

There were processes in place that ensured the effectiveness of care provided was sustained. There were quality assurance monitoring reports and audits were undertaken. Audits for call bells were monitored weekly and regular walk rounds were completed by registered manager and/or deputy. Weekly clinical risk meetings took place to oversee care provided and regularly review changes. Workforce planning had improved with all vacancies filled, with no use of agency staff.

Partnerships and communities

Score: 3

Relatives felt engaged in decision making and were kept well informed by staff. They told us, “They do really well, they do keep me informed."

Managers were highly complementary of the support they received from external health professionals and told us, “I find them to be very useful, very approachable, they take time to talk and listen, I think they have a very good response time and are good at giving advice.”

Visiting professionals were complimentary of the staff team and their detailed knowledge of each person's needs. They told us, “The staff are very welcoming, give very individualised care and are proactive in engaging with and seeking support.” Another said, "I have found the Team very open and willing to respond to advice and care planning for the residents. They have always been willing to engage with me. The nurses have attended training that I have suggested to enhance the care they provide."

The service had good community links in place. The service held many open days and cultural events where members of the local community and families of residents were invited to attend.

Learning, improvement and innovation

Score: 3

The registered manager responded quickly to any complaints. They said, "They trust their loved ones with us, and it’s important to rectify and learn from mistakes. Most referrals come as a result of other people recommending us. I hope its because of the way we learn from our mistakes means people trust us."

We are introducing staff awards to encourage positive improvements and recognise achievements of individual staff, We want to do more care awards , we get lots of great feedback , would want carers to be nominated eg employee of the month.”