28 February 2011 and 18 September 2012
During an inspection in response to concerns
Staff were observed to speak with people who live at home when undertaking daily activities, such as, asking people if they would like a drink and or anything more to eat. However, all staff conversations with people were centred on the tasks in hand. We did not observe staff promoting general conversations with people who live at Deerwood Grange. Therefore this is an area that needs to be improved to enhance people's quality of life.
Staff were writing down people's needs and risks to individual's health and welfare. People that we saw looked clean with their hair styled as preferred. However, reviewing of all written documents that were used to review and monitor care provided must be used so that it we can be confident that people's needs are being met and reviewed.
Redecorations of people's rooms had been undertaken making them a pleasant place for people. We were told by a professional who visited the home that the home looked clean and there were no offensive smells. We also found this to be the case.
We saw that some compliments had been received from relatives of people who live at the home. All of these without exception stated that the care to people who live at Deerwood Grange had improved.