11 February 2014
During an inspection in response to concerns
We observed care on both floors of the building. We found there were enough staff on duty to support people. Staff were respectful and friendly towards people and their visitors. We saw people had been supported to look clean, smart and presentable, to promote their dignity and well-being.
We heard staff encouraged people to drink plenty, to keep them healthy and well. We observed staff helped to reposition someone. This was done according to guidance in the person's care plan and risk assessment. For example, with two staff and using the correct equipment. This ensured the person was helped safely.
We found people's needs were assessed and care and treatment was planned and delivered in line with their individual care plan. There was a care plan for each person, which outlined the support they required. Risk assessments had been written to help reduce or control the potential for people to experience harm.
The staff we met were knowledgeable about people's care and felt people were cared for well. They told us the staffing levels we observed were typical for the home and sufficient to meet people's needs.
We saw staff received supervision and appraisals, to discuss their work performance and identify any training needs. We found staff had not consistently completed training in accordance with the provider's requirements. This meant staff did not have the full range of skills and knowledge required for their roles. There was also no confirmation that agency workers supplied to the home had the necessary training to meet people's needs. This may have placed people at risk of harm if agency staff had not received appropriate training to enable them to deliver safe care.