This inspection was undertaken by one Adult Social Care Inspector. At the time of the inspection six people were living at the home. The purpose of our inspection was to answer these key questions: Is the service safe? Is the service effective? Is the service caring? Is the service responsive? Is the service well led?Below is a summary of what we found. The summary is based on our observations during the inspection, speaking with people using the service, the staff supporting them and from looking at records.
If you want to see the evidence supporting our summary please read the full report.
Is the service safe?
We saw that people who lived at The Recovery Hub were treated in a respectful way by the staff who supported them. We spoke with four of the six people who used the service. Everyone had positive feedback about the home and the way they were treated by the staff.
Risk to people who used the service were being managed safely. People's care records demonstrated how possible risks to people's safety and wellbeing had been identified. The actions needed to minimise risks and to keep people safe had been clearly set out in care records. Staff also understood how to support people to take acceptable risks in their life. For example they knew their role included support for people to gain confidence in the community.
Every person we spoke with told us they felt safe at the home. They also said that they felt safe in the company of the staff who supported them. People were protected by safeguarding procedures that were robust and up to date. The staff knew what to do to safeguard people who used the service from abuse.
Is the service effective?
Everyone who we spoke with told us they were happy and satisfied with how they were supported with their needs by the staff at the home.
Staff were observed assisting people in a calm and attentive way with their care and support needs. One person told us "my keyworker helps me go to town. Another comment made was 'they will support me and they are courteous on the job'.
Staff demonstrated an understanding and insight into the complex mental health needs of the people who used the service. The staff we spoke with were able to tell us some example of approaches they took when they assisted people. For example they explained that they made sure they spoke calmly to people and used open and calm approach with them. We observed the manager and the two other staff on duty communicated with people using the approaches they had told us about.
Staff were properly supervised in their work to ensure they provide effective care that met people's needs. They undertook training courses and learning opportunities about mental health issues and health and safety matters. They also went on training to understand how to protect people from the risks of abuse.
Care plans showed clearly and in detail how to support people with their range of complex mental health needs. We saw that they had been written with the involvement the person concerned. One person told us they went through their care plan with their keyworker regularly. This was done to make sure they agreed with what was in it.
Is the service caring?
Staff were observed assisting people using a caring and sensitive approach. One person told us "the staff are good'. Another comment we were told was 'they have all helped me with quite a lot'. Further comments made included, 'the staff have helped me with a lot, they helped me sort out a gym membership. We were also told, 'it is a good place' and 'my keyworker is a good man'.
Is the service responsive?
People told us they spoke with their key workers frequently and were able to talk with them about any concerns they had. One person told us 'my keyworker helps me with cooking'. Every person we spoke with also told us that the registered manager spent time with them regularly to find out how they were. They told us the manager was very approachable and always listened and responded to matters they raised with them.
Regular house meetings known as, 'get togethers' were held at the home. The minutes confirmed people's views were sought about the way the home was run. For example we saw that people were regularly consulted about menu plans as well as about suggestions for social activities and trips to the community.
Is the service well-led?
People who used the service spoke highly about the registered manager. One person told us that they were 'lovely'. Another person said they were 'very kind and always listened'. We saw people approached the manager in the office. They had an 'open door' policy and were attentive and made time for each person who wanted to see them.
There were systems in place to monitor the quality of care that people received and to ensure it was suitable. People's views were regularly sought as part of the process of monitoring quality in the home.