About the service: This service provides care and support to people living in 'supported living' settings, so they can live as independently as possible. People's care and housing are provided under separate contractual agreements. CQC does not regulate premises used for supported living; this inspection looked at people's care and support.
Barnsley Mencap was providing personal care to 67 people at the time of the inspection.
The outcomes for people using the service reflected principles and values of 'Registering the Right Support' in the following ways, promotion of choice and control, independence and inclusion. People's support focussed on them having as many opportunities as possible for them to gain new skills and become more independent.
People’s experience of using this service: People were pleased with the quality of care and support they experienced. They told us they felt safe when support workers were providing care and support to them. A person told us, “I feel really safe here. The staff are really good and look after me really well.”
Healthcare professionals involved with the service told us they had no concerns about the commissioning of the service or how it was managed.
Staff knew who to report any concerns to and assessments of potential risk helped to ensure people were as safe as possible. Staff told us they were confident that if they raised any concerns the registered manager and service managers would take them seriously and act accordingly.
The same support workers supported people most of the time. The provider recognized this was important to people. The provider employed enough support workers so people’s needs could be met in a timely way.
Support workers had training about how to manage medicines safely. We saw staff administer medicines to people safely and in line with agreed policies and protocols.
Support workers followed safe practice for infection control. They wore protective equipment such as gloves and aprons when they supported people. They also supported people to keep their homes clean.
Staff were recruited following a thorough process that ensured as far as possible, only suitable staff were employed. New support workers learnt about people’s needs by working alongside experienced colleagues before supporting people alone. They learnt about people’s likes, dislikes and preferences about how they wanted to be supported.
Staff received training which supported them to have the knowledge and skills to do their job well and effectively meet people’s needs.
Staff supported some people to have enough to eat and drink and to access health services when they needed. They telephoned for doctors or nurses to attend to a person if they were unwell.
Staff respected people’s privacy and dignity and encouraged people to be as independent as possible. People were treated with respect by staff who demonstrated compassion and understanding.
People knew how to complain and were confident the registered manager or other staff would resolve their complaints.
People who used the service, relatives and staff could express their views about the service which were acted upon. The management team provided leadership that gained the respect of the staff and motivated them as a team.
There were systems in place to monitor the quality of the service and make improvements when needed. Some of these systems needed firmly embedding into practice to ensure they were fully effective.
Rating at last inspection: At our last inspection, the service was rated 'good.' Our last report was published on 30 November 2016.
Why we inspected: This was a planned inspection based on the rating awarded at the last inspection.
Follow up: We will continue to monitor the service to ensure that people receive safe, compassionate, high quality care. Further inspections will be planned for future dates.