- Care home
Registration details
The location ID for Fallowfield is 1-119778726. CQC register Fallowfield to carry out these legally regulated activities. Contact us if you think Fallowfield is operating services not listed here.
Type of service
- Nursing homes
- Residential homes
Service specialism
- Caring for adults over 65 yrs
Local authority
Monitored services
CQC register Fallowfield to carry out the following legally regulated services here:
Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care
Ms Amanda Finn is responsible for these services.
Condition of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The registered provider to review their policies for accidents, incidents and near misses. The registered provider to further review how information about accidents and incidents is relayed to staff and how oversight of service users� welfare following an accident or incident is maintained. A report to be sent to CQC within 2 weeks of the date of this notice of the outcome of this review along with the revised policies.
The registered provider to review their oversight and audit of accidents and incidents on a monthly basis. On the first Monday of each month to send CQC a monthly report of actions taken following accidents and incidents, and the learning identified.
The provider and registered manager to review their oversight of the completion of risk assessments and risk assessment tools and identify how oversight will be maintained. On the first Monday of each month to send a summary report to CQC of the actions taken each month in respect of the actions taken as a result of this oversight.
The provider to review how the quality and safety of the service is monitored and improvements identified and completed; both by staff at the location and at provider level, and to send CQC a written report of the findings. Subsequently to send a three-monthly summary of any learning identified and proposed dates for action.
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The Registered Provider must only accommodate a maximum of 25 service users at Fallowfield.
Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
Ms Amanda Finn is responsible for these services.