People we spoke with said they were consulted about the care provided and were involved in decisions about their care. The staff we spoke with showed a good understanding of peoples support needs. Staff gave examples of how the support provided to people had made a positive improvement to their lives. One person's records showed a significant improvement in their well being in recent months. We briefly spoke to this person who told us 'I feel better than I have in years.'People we spoke with said they had care plans in their flats and staff confirmed plans are kept up to date. Staff said they had a handover at the start of each shift and informed of any changes in care needs.
The files we looked at contained care plans and risk assessments. Two of the files contained an 'at a glance' document. This provided information about the persons support needs collated onto one easy accessible document.
People told us that care workers treated them with respect and always maintained their privacy. People said that staff knock on the door or announce themselves before entering their flats. We observed staff speaking to people in a friendly and respectful manner. Staff acknowledged people as they walked past and spent time talking to people in the communal lounge/dining area.
We found on the day of our visit there was sufficient staff to meet the tenants needs. People we spoke with said carers stayed long enough to do what is required without rushing. People we spoke with said carers were friendly and polite. Staff and tenants' were seen in the communal areas interacting together in a friendly way. It was obvious staff knew the tenants well. They called people by their first names, spoke to them about family members and asked about their daily activities. One person told us, 'I've been here about six years and I am really happy here.'
Care plans showed that staff assisted people to take medication if they were unable to do this themselves. Minor concerns were identified with the medication procedure. We have asked the provider to improve the way medication is audited to make sure people continue to receive their medication as prescribed.
Staff we spoke with knew what they would do to keep people safe. People we spoke with told us they felt safe and that staff were kind and supportive. One person told us, 'Someone comes in to see me everyday. Even though they see me when I come down for lunch they still call to ask if I'm ok.'
People told us they had folders in their flats that the agency had given them. They said this included written information about the service provided. One person said they had regular tenants meetings where they can discuss issues about the unit.
People we spoke with said they knew who to speak to if they had any concerns, and were certain their concerns would be listened to.