We visited the agency on Wednesday 31st August. We talked to six tenants living at George Rowley House and all the care staff on duty. We selected three tenants with different needs to pathway track. Pathway tracking enables us to look in detail at a persons care and support and to find out their experiences of using the service.The files we sampled contained an assessment of need completed by a social worker, and a care plan and needs assessment completed by the agency. People told us they had folders in their flats which included written information about the service provided. People we spoke to said they were consulted about the care provided and had given their consent for the agency to provide the support required. People we spoke to said carers stayed long enough to do what is required without rushing.
People we spoke to said they were encouraged and supported to do things for themselves. One person said 'I can do most things for myself but staff help me when I have a bath, they always make sure I'm not left exposed'. People said that staff knock on the door before they enter their flat, one person said 'Staff never just walk in'. People told us that staff are always polite and treat them with respect they also said care staff are helpful and friendly. People said there was a small group of regular carers who they know well. One person told us 'All the staff are very good. I can't fault them'.
People can continue to manage their own medication if they can do this safely. Staff will assist people who are unable to take their medication themselves. There is a procedure in place for monitoring and auditing medication records however, the procedure for managing tablets in boxes should be improved so that this can be audited to make sure people receive medication as prescribed.
Staff we spoke with knew what they should do to keep people safe. Records we looked at showed that risks associated with the care of clients are assessed and reviewed. Manual handling assessments were in place and staff had completed moving and handling training. Care staff we spoke with gave a good account of how they monitored and managed pressure areas and what changes in the skin condition would prompt a referral to the district nurse. Falls prevention measures were in place and nutritional assessments had been completed although one of the assessments we looked at had not been updated when the tenants' needs had changed. Records show staff complete the training required to work with people safely.
People we spoke to said they were asked for their views and opinions of the service and had information about making complaints.