- Care home
Priscilla Wakefield House
Report from 12 April 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Dates of assessment activity: 03 July to 06 July 2024. This assessment was carried out in response to information we had received about the service. Priscilla Wakefield House is a nursing home providing accommodation, personal care and treatment to up to 117 people. The service provides support to people, some of whom live with physical disabilities and mental health conditions. During the assessment we spoke with 15 staff in total including the registered manager, the head of care, 1 activity coordinator, 1 receptionist, 4 registered nurses, 1 Team leader, 1 chef kitchen assistant and 5 healthcare assistants. People were protected from the risks of abuse. The provider had policies and procedures in place for safeguarding to protect people from the risk of abuse. Staff were recruited safely and had the necessary safety checks in place before starting work. Staff received an induction when they first started working at the service and training relevant to their roles. Suitable staffing arrangements were in place. People gave positive feedback about the staff who supported them and the management team. People were encouraged by staff to remain as independent as possible and were given appropriate support to do so. Person-centred care was promoted through staff’s practice even though we found some care plans were generic and not person-centred and did not always include details regarding people’s specific health conditions. Staff knew people’s support needs and preferences well. Measures were implemented to prevent and control infections. Medications were administered and managed safely, even though we found the medication care planning was not always as person-centred as required. The service worked in partnership with other professionals to meet people’s needs. Referrals were made to other medical services when required. Complaints had been responded to. Leadership was strong with a focus on community involvement and on research and innovation.
People's experience of this service
People and their relatives spoke positively about the service. People told us they felt safe and staff attended to their needs and made them feel comfortable. People and relatives said staff were caring and kind. Some relatives made us aware of specific areas they had concerns with for example, regarding responsiveness to people's personal care and individual health care needs. We found the service was aware of the concerns and was making improvements.