19 June 2013
During a routine inspection
People living in the home found it difficult to tell us verbally what they thought about the service, or did not want to do so. For this reason we listened to how staff interacted with them and observed how they were being supported around the home. One person told us that they were "...happy..." living in the home. We observed that another person was calm in the presence of staff.
Staff gave us information about how a decision about healthcare had been made. This took into account the ability of the person to understand the decision and how the proposed course of action was in their best interests. This was supported by their care records. Staff told us about a person's needs and gave us information that was consistent with what we had seen in care records. This showed that they understood the support the person required. They also told us about access to training and qualifications, and the staffing rota. This indicated that staffing levels were sufficient to offer people the care they needed.
Medicines were managed appropriately and safely. People received the medicines they needed to help keep them well. Staff had access to training to help them administer medicines safely.
One person had written their own complaints procedure, with pictures showing who they could talk to if they had concerns.