27 May 2016
During a routine inspection
The inspection took place on 27 May 2016 and was announced.
People told us they felt safe when they were receiving care and while living within their own homes. Staff knew how to keep people safe and what risks people could be subjected to. Staff had received training on what abuse was and the action they needed to take.
People felt there were sufficient staff available and told us staff arrived on time at their flat to provide the care and support they needed. Checks were made on potential staff members prior to them starting work to ensure their suitability.
Staff received training and support to enable them to provide care and support to people. Staff felt supported by the management team and the team leaders. Staff were able to request additional training if needed to increase their knowledge and skills. People had their privacy and dignity maintained and staff were able to describe how they managed this.
People received appropriate support to ensure they received their medicines as prescribed and received healthcare support and advice to ensure their well-being. People received assistance with the preparation of meals and drinks.
People were asked for their permission prior to receiving care and support so people were able to give their consent. Best interest decisions were in place where people were unable to make an informed decision on their own.
People were satisfied with the care they received provided and were supported in a way they wanted to be. People had care plans in place describing their needs and risks associated with their care. These were reviewed in line with people’s changing care needs.
Staff told us they enjoyed their work and liked the management team. People and their relatives were confident any complaints made would be listened to and responded to.
Systems were in place to monitor the service provided for people as a means to improve the quality of care and support people received.