Updated 21 November 2024
Date of assessment: 28 November 2024 to 17 December 2024. We completed this assessment as concerns had been raised relating to staffing and risk management. We found there were some improvements required, including in the management of the service, but there were no breaches of regulation. There had been regular changes in the management of the service since 2023, a new management team had been employed shortly before our assessment. Staff had not received regular supervision or been given the opportunity to attend meetings to give feedback. People had not been given the opportunity to give formal feedback through surveys or meetings. The system in place to monitor the quality of the service had mainly been effective but had not identified the shortfalls in staff management and the participation of people. Staff had not always recognised risks within the environment such as leaving doors open to rooms such as the laundry. Potential risks to people’s health had been assessed and there was guidance in place to reduce the risk of incidents. There were enough staff to meet people’s needs and staff had received appropriate training. People’s medicines were managed safely, and they received them as prescribed.