- Independent mental health service
St Andrews Healthcare Northampton
Report from 16 April 2024 assessment
Ratings - Wards for people with learning disabilities or autism
Our view of the service
St Andrews Healthcare is an independent organisation that provides mental health care across 3 sites in England. We visited the Northampton site to check on the quality of care provided. We carried out an on site assessment of 2 wards within the learning disability and autism division. We visited Hawkins ward which is a 15 bedded ward that provides care for males with a learning disability in a medium secure setting. We also visited Sycamore ward which is a 10 bedded ward that provides care for females with a learning disability in a low secure setting. We carried out an onsite assessment on 22 and 23 April 2024 and asked for, and reviewed data related to the assessment. We had received concerns around the safety of patients, specifically around staffing and observations. We issued the provider with a warning notice following our on-site visit for regulation 18: Safe and effective staffing. We found there were not sufficient numbers of suitably qualified, competent and skilled staff to meet the needs of people using the service. Staff did not receive appropriate support, training or supervision to enable them to carry out the duties they are able to perform. We issued the provider with 2 action plan requests. Firstly in relation to regulation 12: Safe care and treatment due to there being blanket restrictions in place regarding vape times. We issued another action plan request for regulation 17: Good governance as governance processes did not always operate effectively.
People's experience of this service
Patients told us they felt listened to by staff and had access to an advocate when they needed one. Patients were involved in discussions about risks and their care plans. However not all people felt safe. Patients told us that they did not feel as though there were enough staff and when there were higher numbers of agency staff working, they did not feel as safe. Patients on Hawkins ward did not like having restrictions in place on when they could vape and stated that staff were not flexible.