We spoke with three people who had recently used the service and we also reviewed the clinic's most recent patient feedback survey results which had been produced in February 2012. People's feedback was positive with people praising the doctors, nurses and the quality of the care. People particularly liked the convenience of the service and having enough time in the consultation to discuss their health and treatment. One person said, "I like the manner in which I am treated there."We found that people's privacy and dignity were respected. We saw evidence that the staff assessed people's needs and explained the treatment options and any prescriptions appropriately. The environment was clean and well organised. The staff had access to emergency medical equipment, were trained in its use, and knew what to do in an emergency.
The doctors and nurses prescribed medicines and vaccines and were able to dispense some common medicines on the premises. There were effective systems for storing and monitoring these medicines. However we found that the provider did not monitor the environmental temperature in the medicines storage area.
The staff team received appropriate training, regular supervision and managerial support from the lead doctor. We saw evidence that the quality of the service was being monitored and the provider acted on identified areas for improvement.