29 January 2013
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We also referred the matters from this inspection to East Riding of Yorkshire Council's environmental health department and the Fire Safety Assessor for Humberside Fire and Rescue Service and asked them to confirm the home met their specific requirements.
We revisited the home and walked round the premises to see if the required improvements to our compliance actions had been made. We talked with staff and reviewed the action plan. We saw that both agencies had visited the home and that actions had been required. We saw that the majority of the actions had been completed and plans were in place to complete the rest.
When we visited the service in September 2012 people who used the service were satisfied with the care they received and their homely environment. We chatted briefly with people during this visit but their comments to us did not relate to the outcomes we were inspecting.
We found that the people who used the service were cared for in a clean and hygienic environment and that people who used the service, staff and