During our visit we spoke with a number of people using the service. They told us that they were able to make decisions about their lives and that they were treated with respect by staff working at the home. They said; 'I can choose exactly what I want to do', 'The staff never tell you what to do, they ask you what you would like to do'.People living at the home also told us; 'The staff are very respectful and very kind'.
The staff we spoke with were aware that each individual must be supported to make their own decisions and that they should be supported to make choices about their lives. We looked at a number of care plans and these contained information about people's assessed needs and preferences. Care staff spoken with confirmed that they were encouraged to look at care plans on a 'daily basis'.
We found the atmosphere in the home to be 'relaxed' and 'inclusive'. People appeared relaxed in the presence of staff and communication was noted to be kind and respectful.
People living at the home told us 'all the staff here are so kind', 'The girls tell me to ring my call bell if I want anything and nothing is too much trouble'.
People using the service are allocated a 'key worker' who works closely with each individual to ensure that their plan of care remains appropriate to their needs and preferences. This helps to ensure that people receive a person centred approach to care.
The home ensures that people have access to appropriate health care professionals. People living at the home told us 'They will always get the doctor to visit if you feel poorly'.
The registered manager and staff working at the home told us that they have 'very good' support and input from doctors and specialised health care professionals.
We saw that systems were in place to ensure that people using the service always had sufficient supplies of their prescribed medicines. We were also able to see that regular reviews were taking place with peoples' doctors to ensure that prescribed medicines remain appropriate and effective for the individual.
Each person spoken with during our visit was very complimentary about the meals and choices available to them. They told us; 'I see the cook regularly and she knows what I like', 'The food is excellent and you always have a choice', 'There is a new menu every day and the staff ask for your choices each morning'.
During our visit we were able to speak with a number of staff working at the home and they were able to demonstrate a good understanding of what constituted abuse and of how to report any abuse. Staff told us that they had received training in abuse and safeguarding adults and would feel 'confident' in following these procedures.
Greenhill House is a purpose built home where all accommodation is situated over one level. We were informed that all bedrooms are currently being used for single occupancy although two rooms can be used as a 'double' for couples or people who want to share. All bedrooms have the provision of a wash hand basin and people are able to personalise their bedrooms with their own belongings and small pieces of furniture.
People told us that they were happy with their bedroom and facilities offered; 'I am very happy with my bedroom, it is very comfortable here'.
Mobile and fixed hoists are available to assist people with their mobility needs and people have access to appropriate numbers of assisted bathing and toilet facilities. We were able to see evidence that all equipment had been regularly serviced by outside contractors.
A call bell system is installed throughout the home so that people can call staff for assistance as required. People told us that staff responded promptly to call bells.
During our visit we viewed all communal areas and a selection of bedrooms and we found the standard of cleanliness to be good with no malodours.
One person using the service said: 'I have never seen anywhere so clean, they are always cleaning'
Information leaflets have been produced for 'families, friends, service users and staff' on flu pandemics and infection control.
We were able to see that staff had access to a good supply of protective equipment such as gloves and aprons and that these were being used appropriately as 'single use'.
We looked at the home's procedures for the recruitment of staff and found that 'robust' procedures were being followed which reduce the risk of harm or abuse to people using the service. Although not involved in the recruitment of staff, people using the service commented on the kindness of staff working at the home. They said: 'The staff couldn't be kinder'; 'They know us all so well and will do anything for you'.
The home ensure that newly appointed staff complete a period of induction so that they have the skills and training needed to enable them to meet the needs of people living at the home.
Staff working at the home receive regular supervisions and appraisals and this helps to ensure that staff are appropriately supported and that any training needs can be identified.
We noted a good staff presence throughout our visit and people told us 'there is always someone about to help you'. The atmosphere in the home was noted to be relaxed and we observed staff spending quality time with people. The home also employs designated 'activity' staff to provide people with a range of activities both within the home and in the community.
Regular meetings are held for people using the service and their representatives. We looked at the minutes of the most recent meeting and we were able to see that peoples' views are encouraged and responded to. People had been informed about redevelopment plans for the home, menus and activities had been discussed and peoples' views on how money raised through fundraising should be spent.
During our visit we asked people if they would feel confident in raising concerns if they had any. People told us, 'Yes, I would always tell someone if I had any concerns or worries', 'I don't have any worries at all'.