19 March 2019
During a routine inspection
People’s experience of using this service:
People were not always protected from the risk and spread of infection. People who used the service were safeguarded from the risk of abuse. Risks associated with people’s care had been identified and were managed to keep people safe. There were sufficient staff available to support people to meet their needs.
The design, adaptation and decoration of the premises did not always meet people’s individual needs. People’s needs were assessed and care was provided in line with their preferences. Staff we spoke with felt they were trained and supported to meet the requirements of their job. People were supported to maintain a balanced diet. People had access to healthcare professionals when required.
People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice.
We observed staff interacting with people and found they were supportive, kind and caring. Staff respected people’s privacy and dignity.
People received person-centred care which was based on their needs and took in to consideration their preferences. People were supported to access the community and be involved in activities of their choice.
The service had a complaints procedure and people were supported to raise concerns.
The registered manager had recently left the service and the team manager was in charge. The team manager completed a range of audits in areas such as, medicine management, health and safety and documentation. However, there were some areas which were not audited such as infection control. Actions raised as part of the audits were recorded but not always actioned by the provider.
More information is in the full report.
Rating at last inspection: Good (report published 24 August 2016)
Why we inspected: This was a planned comprehensive inspection based on the rating at the last inspection.
Follow up: We plan to continue to inspect the service in line with our inspection programme for services rated requires improvement. Until then we will continue to monitor the service to ensure that people receive safe, compassionate, high quality care.
For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk