People who use the service told us they were happy living at 18 Crescent Road and were very positive about the care and support they received from the staff who worked there. Typical comments made by people we met included, 'I like it here' and 'the staff are nice ' they take us out all the time'. Throughout the course of the visit we observed staff always interacting with the people who use the service in a very respectful and kind manner. People always looked relaxed and comfortable with staff. All the staff we met were clearly aware of the needs of the people they supported and were good at taking their views into account. Typical comments we received from the people who use the service about staff included, 'I like the staff here' and "I have got a key-worker ' they are nice'.
We also received a lot of positive feedback from the people who use the service about all the opportunities they had to pursue their social interests and hobbies. When we arrived two-thirds of the people who use the service were already out attending different sessions at various local day centres or were food shopping with staff.
We also observed staff actively supporting all the people who remained at home during the visit to maintain and develop their independent living skills. On numerous occasions we heard staff respectfully encouraging people who use the service to wash up their plates and cutlery after they had eaten their breakfast, set the dinning room table for lunch, and help staff clean the bathrooms.
People who use the service told us they liked the quality and choice of the meals they were provided. All the meals we observed people eating during this visit looked extremely well-presented, appetising and nutritionally well-balanced. During the visit we positively noted people who use the service could help themselves to snacks and drinks from the kitchen whenever they liked.
All the people we met told us they felt safe living at 18 Crescent Road.
18 Crescent Road is an extremely well-presented and maintained home that provides the people who use the service with a very comfortable and accessible environment in which to live. People who offered to show us around their home told us they liked the way the place had been decorated and furnished. We were impressed with all the photographs of the people who use the service and staff engaging in various social activities and events conspicuously displayed on the walls in most of the communal areas.
The service also looked and smelt very fresh and clean throughout.