25 July 2013
During a routine inspection
During our inspection we spoke with the registered manager, two members of staff, one relative and two people who use the service.
We saw that the home was clean and well maintained with a plan in place to redecorate the communal living areas and kitchen of the home. On the day of our visit we saw that the hedges surrounding the home and the gardens were being maintained.
People were able to personalise their living areas with their own possessions. Staff did not enter these areas without the permission of people living there. People could live independently without support from staff if they chose to. In case of emergencies a master key was available for staff to use.
People had their privacy and dignity respected. One person we spoke to told us, 'I have had a long lie in today and have been watching television.' We saw that staff respected their wishes to remain in bed.
We saw that agreed working practices were clearly documented in people's records to support them in the way they chose. We saw that people had identified and agreed monthly goals with their key workers. Records showed that these goals were achieved and discussed. This showed that people were supported in promoting their independence. We saw that people had their care discussed and agreed with them or their representative.