22 November 2011
During an inspection in response to concerns
Two people approached us as we observed what was happening and asked us, 'Which way do I go to my room?', while the other asked, 'Where is the lounge?' and walked away without getting the directions, which were the opposite way.
One person was crying in the dining room, while a staff member was reassuring three people at the other table. At the same time one person came to us saying, 'I don't know where I am, who I am, or where I am going. I was just sitting there waiting for my bed time'. From the other end of a long corridor another person was shouting, 'Where is everybody? Where is everybody? Where are they? I can't find them.'
Two people, less affected by dementia, told us that food was fine and that they had a choice. They explained that staff prevented conflicts between some 'confused' people and that they felt safe in the home.