The people we spoke with said they were provided with useful information and felt involved in the discussions and decisions made about their care and support. They said they had received an assessment of their needs and met with senior staff to review their needs. They told us the staff always knew what to do to assist them. People said they felt they were provided with the medication they were supposed to receive at the time they were supposed to receive it. During our visit we found people's contribution to discussions and decision making about their care to be documented. We saw that people received an assessment of their needs and these were regularly updated. We found that a suitably qualified and sufficient staff team was available to meet the needs of the people who use the service. The staff were trained in and knowledgeable about such things as the administration of medication. However, we found that staff were not always maintaining accurate records on the administration of medication and managers at the service were not recording monitoring checks on medication documentation.
We found the service was adhering to the requirements of its own policy on the retention of personnel files and people's care documentation. We saw that records were stored and destroyed securely.
One person said of Cloud 9 Care Limited: "They have been of great assistance to me." Another person said: "Overall, it has worked out very well and I'm very pleased with them."