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  • Care home

Willett Lodge

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

4 Chaucer Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 4PB (01903) 235347

Provided and run by:
Willett Lodge Care Home Ltd

Latest inspection summary

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Our current view of the service


Updated 3 December 2024

Date of Assessment: 4 to 17 December 2024. Willett Lodge is a residential care home providing personal and nursing care to older people and people living with dementia. The service had made improvements and is no longer in breach of regulations. Risks to people’s health were now managed well, people at risk of choking were now being supported safely. The environment was now more accessible to people living with dementia and their bedrooms were now more homely. Staff were safely recruited, trained, and regularly supervised. People now received their medicines safely, staff administered and documented medicines in line with current guidance. Staff protected people from the risk of harm or abuse by following the provider’s policies. The service was clean and staff used personal protective equipment appropriately. There was an ongoing maintenance plan in place and equipment was regularly checked and serviced. Health and social care professional involvement was sought when needed, staff followed advice and provided feedback to professionals. People were enabled to access appointments to suit their needs. People were supported by a staffing team who knew them well. Staff understood people’s communication methods which were now clearly documented in care plans. People now enjoyed a programme of activities including going out, entertainment and activities run by staff. Mental capacity assessments were now completed and best interests decisions were made with people’s legal representatives and relevant professionals. The service was run by a committed registered manager and management team. Improvements were made and quality assurance processes now provided the management team a good oversight of the service. The registered manager mostly understood their regulatory responsibilities; however, they had not always submitted statutory notifications to CQC in respect of allegations of abuse. The registered manager addressed this during our assessment.

People's experience of the service

Updated 3 December 2024

People told us they felt safe and content at the service, they and their relatives gave positive feedback about the staff and management. Comments included, “They are very good the staff here, I do love them.” And, “Very safe, they always seem to help [person], they have got mats by the bed and a bed guard.” People told us they enjoyed the activities on offer, this included outings, music, games and visiting animals. A social care professional told us, “The home offers indoor and outdoor activities to promote resident engagement. Notably, the inclusion of a therapy dog has been a thoughtful addition, providing emotional support and companionship for residents.” People and their relatives were involved with planning their care and support. Relatives told us they were kept informed of changes, one said, “[Person’s] got a respect plan in place. They do have a care plan in place in the home. If I have an issue, I let them know, they review frequently.” People were encouraged to make decisions and retain as much autonomy as possible. A person said, “I have my independence here, they seem to be here when I need them. They leave me if I say I'm okay.” People received a balanced diet and were consulted on the menu choices. People gave feedback to the catering team and their suggestions were listened to. For example, banoffee pie was included on the menu as requested. A relative said, “[Person] is getting proper food.” People and their relatives told us the service was well led. A relative said, “[Registered manager] listens 100% and gets things done.” When telling us what the service does well, another commented, “It’s their manner, due care and attention of personal needs. I never see anyone wanting anything. Nothing is too much trouble.” Some people could not directly tell us about their experience. Throughout our visit we observed staff supporting people in a caring and supportive way.