We made an unannounced visit to the service and spoke to people who use the service, the Registered Manager and to staff members.
There were 3 people living at Uplands House when we did the inspection.
We spent some time with the people and observed interactions between the people and the staff.
We saw that people were responsive in the company of staff. They were able to let staff know what they wanted and we saw staff responded in a caring and positive way.
Staff listened to people and took their views seriously and always answered their questions in a way that they could understand.
People told us and indicated that they received the care and support that they needed at Uplands House.
People told us or expressed that they felt safe and well looked after. People said they would talk to staff about any problems and the staff would sort it out for them.
People said that there were enough activities going on and said that they enjoyed going out in the local area. Some people went swimming on a regular basis. One person said that they enjoyed going to a local day centre and bus rides.
People who use the service indicated that they were happy at the home.
Staff told us that care plans had enough information about how to look after people in the best way. They said that they thought the training they received was adequate to meet the needs of the people living in the home.
The staff we spoke to had knowledge and understanding of people's needs and knew people's routines and how they liked to be supported.