On the 03 and 07 September 2015 we inspected 1 Bedes Close. This was an unannounced inspection.
The service was last inspected in July 2014 and was fully compliant with the outcome areas that were inspected against.
1 Bedes Close provides accommodation and personal care to a maximum of four people who are living with learning disabilities. All the accommodation is in single rooms and the service is located in the residential area of Thornton, close to Bradford city centre.
There was a registered manager in place. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the CQC to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
Staff were recruited is a safe way. We found all staff had relevant training to work in the service. Staff records showed us staff had been interviewed, references checks and appropriate background checks completed.
People had one to one staffing levels during the day. We looked at the rota and saw sufficient staff working to keep people safe.
Before people came to live at the service, a needs assessment was carried out by the registered manager. This ensured people’s support needs could be identified and met before they moved into the service.
Care records were created from the initial needs assessment for people. Care records were then developed in consultation with people and their family members. Care records were person centred and up to date.
People told us they felt safe and enjoyed living at the service. They told us they got to do activities they wanted to do and they could change their minds if the wished. People’s independence was promoted and staff actively encouraged people to participate in activities.
People had risk assessments completed and these covered a range of areas including guidance around accessing the community and personal safety. People using the service and their relatives expressed positive views about the service and the staff.
The service was meeting the requirements of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). People’s rights were protected and where people were deprived of their liberty this was done lawfully.
Staff were familiar with the provider’s safeguarding policies and procedures and able to describe the actions they would take to keep people safe. Staff supported people to attend health appointments. There were protocols in place to respond to any medical emergencies or significant changes in a person’s well-being.
People told us the food was good. Staff promoted balanced diets and supported people to create their own menus. People’s religious beliefs were respected when food was bought. Staff supported people to complete shopping tasks, design menu plans and prepare meals. Staff were aware of people’s specific dietary needs and preferences and offered people choices at mealtimes.
There were arrangements in place to assess and monitor the quality and effectiveness of the service. This included annual surveys, tenants meetings and medicines administration auditing.
Medicines were administered by trained staff in line with their prescription. Medicines recording was complete and signed. Medicines were stored and accounted for appropriately.