17, 18, 19 December 2013 and 14, 16, 17 January 2014
During a routine inspection
People and their relatives were happy with the service being provided. Their comments included, 'They're excellent.' 'They're very nice. If I want anything done, they will do it.' 'They're all pretty good. They know their jobs.' 'Mam likes them and trusts them. They have a bit talk to her.'
We found the provider worked in co-operation with other people, such as relatives and social services personnel, who were also involved with people's care. Relatives caring for people using the service told us communication worked well. For instance, one said, 'They let me know important information.'
Appropriate checks were undertaken before staff began work. People were complimentary about the staff. We found staff were appropriately qualified, skilled and experienced to meet people's needs. They were supported to deliver care safely and to an appropriate standard.
The provider had an effective system to identify, assess and manage risks to the health, safety and welfare of people who used the service.