- Remote clinical advice
Archived: Mamedica
Report from 15 July 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Mamedica is a private clinic that provides medical treatment for patients focused around the use of Cannabis-based products for medicinal (CBPMs) use, which are prescribed by experienced medical staff working within the latest Governmental guidelines. The clinic is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 to provide the regulated activities of diagnostic and screening procedures. At this assessment we included 8 quality statements within the Well-led key question and found the clinic had addressed all our concerns from the last inspection. Overall, the practice is rated good and all key questions are now rated good. Additionally, staff feedback was positive about working at the clinic. They told us they were happy with the level of support and communication provided by their management team. During our assessment we found effective systems and processes in place to ensure safe care and treatment was provided to the clinic population.
People's experience of this service
People were mostly positive about their experience of care and treatment at the clinic. We reviewed patient feedback provided to a third party and found people were extremely positive about accessing this service. Although we noted on one platform that 13% of respondents had awarded the service 1 star out of 5, sighting delays to prescriptions as the reason. Prior to the assessment the CQC had received some feedback in relation to delays in repeat prescriptions. However, the provider showed us the measures they had implemented to address this, and we noted complaints to the CQC about delays had significantly decreased.