24 May 2011
During a routine inspection
People are offered choices in order to remain in control of their lives as far as they are able and the home is working closely with an advocate and social care professionals to ensure that the home meets all of people's care and support needs.
Staff manage people's behaviours well and the home is supporting the staff team to attend more in-depth training to manage more complex behaviours safely and confidently. Staff feel well trained and well supported to do their jobs.
The home works closely with health and social care professionals to keep people well. People told us that, after a long period of change, the home is now 'moving on'. Everyone spoke positively about the new manager who is, 'approachable' and 'knowledgeable'.
Medication arrangements within the home are good and the addition of protocols to support practice in relation to giving people medications as and when required will add additional safeguards to practice.
The home has implemented a number of quality assurance and monitoring measures which mean that the manager and senior managers have a good understanding of the needs of the people living at the home and the requirements of the home to meet those needs.