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  • Homecare service

PHC Huddersfield Branch

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

St Johns Resource Centre, 29 St Johns Road, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD1 5DX 07449 982491

Provided and run by:
Passion Home Care Ltd

All Inspections

During an assessment under our new approach

Date of assessment: 2 January 2025 to 20 January 2025. The service provided personal care to people living in their own homes. Staff confirmed they were well supported, worked well as a team and received the training they needed. The provider had systems to identify and investigate allegations of abuse and identify lessons learnt. Staff knew about safeguarding and whistle blowing and were confident to raise concerns. New staff were recruited safely. People received their medicines when they were due. The provider undertook regular medicines audits so that any issues could be identified and addressed quickly. The provider’s vision statement and values were focused on providing care which enhanced people’s quality of life. The provider had effective quality assurance (QA) systems, which had been successful in identifying areas for improvement and learning lessons. Incidents, accidents and safeguarding allegations were analysed to help keep people safe and ensure appropriate action was taken. There were opportunities for staff to provide feedback. Staff confirmed they felt listened to. The provider worked with external partners to ensure people received the care they needed. External partners gave positive feedback about the service. The provider had plans to improve and develop the service.