The provider completed detailed needs assessments before any support was delivered and obtained valid consent from people, which was recorded and regularly reviewed. People had person centred care plans, which had been developed with them and those acting on their behalf. People told us they were happy with the 'excellent' care provided by the staff who were "very reliable'. One person said, 'I never worry because they always get here and I know they do their best not to let me down.' The relative of another person told us, 'They are so kind and patient in difficult circumstances.'
We found that some medication administration records had not been completed properly. This meant that the provider had not protected people against the risks associated with the unsafe management of medicines by means of appropriate recording.
The service had an effective recruitment and selection process which ensured people's health and welfare needs were met by staff who were suitably qualified and experienced. Staff we spoke with confirmed that they had completed a recognised induction and shadowing process before they were allowed to start work for the agency. We reviewed records which confirmed that staff had received appropriate training and regular supervisions.
The manager operated systems to regularly assess and monitor the quality of the service provided, which included an effective complaints procedure and frequent surveys of people and staff.