Archived: Nurse Plus and Carer Plus (UK) Limited - Unit 1A Dane John Works

Gordon Road, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 3PP (01227) 782070

Provided and run by:
Nurse Plus and Carer Plus (UK) Limited

All Inspections

6 June 2013

During a routine inspection

There were nine adults and two children receiving a personal care service from the provider when we completed our inspection. The service was not providing a nursing service at this time. Some people received care 24 hours a day. People who used the service were unable to talk to us. We spoke to people's representatives and staff. Relatives we spoke to said that they were happy with the service their relative received. One person said, 'I went on holiday recently and it was good to be able to relax. I was confident that my relative was receiving good care'.

People's relatives told us they had been involved in planning how care would be provided. One person said, 'My relative and I were involved in planning their care and support and I have signed their care plan to say that we agree with it'. Another person said, 'Staff treat my relative with respect. They are sensitive to their privacy but keep a watch on them as required to keep them safe'.

Staff demonstrated that they had a good understanding of people's needs, knew people's routines and how they liked their service provided. We found the provider had reviewed the care people received since our last inspection and had taken action to ensure that it met their needs. People's plans of care contained detailed instruction to staff about when and how to provide people's care.

The provider had identified that they needed to improve the support they provided to staff to deliver care to an appropriate standard. We found evidence to demonstrate they had done this. Staff told us they felt supported by the provider. One person told us, 'Staff in the office listen to us and act upon what we say'.

We found that where there was a risk that the service would not be delivered safely the provider had quickly taken action to ensure people were safe. Following a complaint we saw evidence that they had begun to investigate possible system failures with the aim of improving the service.

20 February 2013

During a routine inspection

There were 4 adults and 2 children receiving a personal care service from the provider when we completed our inspection. The service was not providing a nursing care service to people when we carried out our inspection. Some people received care and support 24 hours a day. The service was provided by 12 staff members. We spoke to one person who used the service, the representatives of other people and staff. Relatives we spoke to said that they were happy with the service their relative received. One person said, 'I am extremely happy with the care I get'.

People told us that they were involved in planning how their care and support would be provided. One person told us 'My relative doesn't need much support but the support they receive is excellent'.

We found that staff were able to demonstrate they had knowledge and understanding of people's needs, knew people's routines and how they liked to be supported. However, we found that the provider had not reviewed the care and support received by everyone. Plans of care did reflect changes in how people wanted their care and support provided.

We did not see any records to demonstrate that the provider had a process in place to develop the skills and knowledge staff required to meet people's needs. The provider had identified that they needed to improve the support they provided to staff.