11 May 2011 and 18 September 2012
During a routine inspection
We did see some people consulted about their care and when they would like assistance from the staff.
One person spoke to us about the home and was generally very positive they spoke about holidays they have been on, staff and activities they can do. Comments included, 'We went on holiday last year, it was a nice place' Another person told us they went to the day centre, shopping and to see their mother. A representative of one of the people living in the home told us their relative had improved and was doing much more since being in the home. They also commented that the person gets everything they need.
People told us 'we can choose any foods we like' and 'we do our food shopping on a Monday and Friday, we take it in turns to go' A representative of one of the people told us her relative was able to eat alone and not sit down as this was they liked to have their meals. We saw that the food supplies on one of the units were low and not adequate for the needs of the people.
People told us they had access to a range of health care professionals.
We saw that people were comfortable in the home. People had been encouraged to personalise their bedrooms to make them more 'their space' and more homely.
People were positive in their comments about the care workers saying they were 'nice', 'helpful' and 'kind'.
The representatives of the people living in the home told us:
'They know all his little ways, very helpful.'
'Recommended they are on the ball'
'.. gets on very well with the staff.'