Charrington Manor Care Home (Charrington Manor) is a residential care home providing the regulated activities of personal and nursing care for up to a maximum of 80 people. The service provides support to people who are elderly and frail, with long term health conditions or are living with dementia. At the time of our inspection there were 47 people using the service. The home is set over three floors, although at the time of our inspection, the top floor of the building was not yet opened. Each floor has its own communal areas. On the ground floor, there is a large ‘café’ area where people can meet together with each other, family or visitors. The home is surrounded by a well-maintained, level garden.
People’s experience of using this service and what we found
The service was exceptional and distinctive in its person-centred care and how, without fail, every staff member put people at the forefront of the service. Staff were highly skilled. A healthcare professional told us, “[Staff] are extremely competent. I trust them completely. They are highly committed to patient care.”
Staff recognised people’s individuality and always ensured they involved people, so they felt listened to and valued. We were told, “They listen, they are approachable, you’re not dismissed and they always have time” and, “I tell everybody it’s a good place to die because (husband) had such a peaceful ending.”
Staff knew how to meet people’s preferences and people had an enhanced sense of well-being and an improved quality of life. Relatives told us, “Mum can’t occupy herself so they keep her stimulated. The activities are amazing, plentiful and with lots of variety” and, “While there, mum’s overall physical health quickly improved and also her speech.”
Without exception, professionals spoke highly of the service and its staff. They told us staff had an excellent understanding of people’s needs and how to provide high quality person-centred care to people.
There were sufficient staff trained and competent staff to care for people. People told us staff responded promptly when they needed them.
People’s medicines were managed safely, stored correctly and only experienced staff carried our medicines administration. People were supported to access healthcare professional input when required and relatives felt confident that staff would keep them updated on any aspect of their family members health needs.
Risks to people were managed in a safe way with sufficient, detailed information for staff to support this practice. Staff had a good knowledge of how to recognise the signs of potential abuse and as such this added an additional layer to help keep people safe.
People lived in an environment that was clean, well maintained and suitable for their needs. Visitors were encouraged to come into the service and throughout the day we saw people and their family members enjoying time together.
People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice.
Staff felt very supported and valued by management and told us they enjoyed working at the service. They were encouraged to progress in their role and undertake additional training to help them maintain best practice.
People were given choice and were able to make decisions daily around all aspects of their care. Staff encouraged independence and people enjoyed the freedom to spend their time as they wished. People were given options in relation to food and drink and were involved in developing the menus.
Everyone spoke highly of management and the staff. They told us they were treated with kindness and care, in a dignified and respectful manner and this was done to the culture within the service and the values of staff.
There was a strong management presence within the service who led by example. They had a clear vision of the type of service they wished people to receive and were working hard to develop a high-quality, person-centred environment in which people were happy to live.
For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at
Rating at last inspection
This service was registered with us on 21 February 2022 and this is the first inspection.
Why we inspected
This inspection was prompted as the service had not been inspected or rated since it was registered with CQC.
We looked at infection prevention and control measures under the Safe key question. We look at this in all care home inspections even if no concerns or risks have been identified. This is to provide assurance that the service can respond to COVID-19 and other infection outbreaks effectively.
Follow up
We will continue to monitor information we receive about the service, which will help inform when we next inspect.