Overall, when we spoke to people who used services they told us they felt safe, that their needs were being met, they got on well with the staff and felt respected by the way that staff supported them.We spoke with relatives of people who used the service. They supported what people using the service had told us and that they thought the care was good and they felt their relatives were safe living there. Relatives told us they felt the providers could spend more on the environment and this was supported by comments from staff.
Although, people who used the service told us they felt well supported by staff who met their needs, not all staff had received the required mandatory training or updates to enable them to acquire skills and qualifications that are relevant to the work they undertake and staff did not receive consistent supervision, so their competence in their role was not being properly monitored.
About the meals that were serviced, people who used the service commented, 'meals are ok. I get enough to eat', 'the food is great. It's frozen vegetables though. Some foods have been frozen and it makes tea cakes soggy' and 'food's on time, you don't have to wait'.
In our conversations with people who used the service they told us they felt the home was clean. Relatives again supported this view.
Although people who used the service and relatives felt their needs were met and the home was clean, staff told us that on a weekend there were no cleaners, laundry assistants or kitchen assistants to support them, which meant they spent less time with people providing direct care.
People who used the service were unclear about how they were able to influence the quality of the care provided, because there is a lack of engagement with them to identify areas for improvement.
During our conversations with people who used the service and their relatives they told us they had no complaints and felt listened to by staff at the service.
Overall, we found that people were happy living at Rockley Dene and were supported by a committed team of staff, but the management of the service had not been supervised appropriately, to make sure regulatory requirements were being met.