10, 13 February 2014
During a routine inspection
Care plans included information on how to preserve people’s dignity. One person’s relative told us how their family member felt the service had, “Given her dignity back to her. It was one of the worst things for my mum to feel as if she had lost her dignity but HICA have really gone above and beyond to address that.”
We reviewed the service’s protocol on infection prevention and control (IPC). People who used the service told us staff wore appropriate clothing when undertaking care and cleaning tasks; one person said, “Yes, they always wear disposable gloves and aprons. They take them off as soon as they have finished my personal care and put it in the special bin I have and then they always wash their hands.”
We reviewed five care plans and saw each person who received care had an individual risk assessment for medication. We saw the medication administration records (MARs) and checked their accuracy to ensure people were received their prescribed medication as directed.
We found records were kept securely and could be located promptly when needed. Computerised systems were protected with passwords and levels of access were dictated by levels of seniority within the organisation.