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  • Homecare service

Eniro Care Ltd

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

17 King Walk, Didcot, OX11 7PE 07861 368698

Provided and run by:
Eniro Care Ltd

Report from 26 March 2024 assessment

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Updated 19 June 2024

Staff had received training in safeguarding and knew how to report any safeguarding concerns. The registered manager had systems in place to investigate and report concerns. Risk assessments and management plans were in place and reviewed regularly. People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice. There were systems and processes for staff to follow and incidents and accidents were analysed. There were enough staff to support people’s needs and the service was fully recruited. Medicines were managed safely. We were assured that the provider had effective systems and processes in place to prevent and control infections. They ensured infection outbreaks were effectively prevented or managed.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Learning culture

Score: 3

People told us they felt safe being supported by Eniro Care. They could raise safety concerns and were confident they would be listened too. One person said, “Absolutely safe, they are a wonderful team who come on a regular basis. Nice, charming and kind.”

The registered manager told us, “My staff are keen to learn to improve our practice.” One staff member said, “I have received all my training which was good.” Another staff member said, “I believe we work well as a team, and we learn. We are effective and committed.”

Records confirmed accidents and incidents were recorded and investigated. Where necessary, action was taken to reduce the risk of reoccurrence. For example, one person had a fall but was uninjured. A review of their care was conducted and measures put in place to reduce the risk of reoccurrence.

Safe systems, pathways and transitions

Score: 3

People told us they could easily access other services with staff who knew their needs available to support them with visits. People told us staff would assist them with making doctors appointments.

One staff member told us, “I am very convinced that the service provided by Eniro Care Limited is very safe. Another staff member said, “I work alongside other professionals to give the best care.”

A social worker told us, “I have been given access to care staff employed by Eniro care and all staff spoken to report that they are being looked after and have the right training and support. “The local authority commissioners told us, “I’ve had very good feedback from our operational team, where a social worker was praised the registered manager and her care staff as being very helpful caring. In this case the social worker recommended that the person stay at home with the support of Eniro care rather than having to go into hospital as the care and support was that good. We have no concerns.”

People's care plans were person centred and had all the information needed when accessing other services. Staff knew people well and were able to pass on people’s support needs accurately to other healthcare professionals.


Score: 3

People and their relatives told us they were safe. Comments included, “Absolutely safe”, “I do feel safe with them [staff], they’re trained, friendly and I like how they are with me”, “Yes I am safe”, “Yes I do feel safe with them [staff]” and “The carer [staff] is there to make sure my mother [person] is safe. I am happy with that.”

Staff were aware of their responsibilities to report concerns and knew how to recognise abuse. One staff member said, “The safeguarding process is always followed. Whenever there are concerns, proper investigation procedures are followed to investigate the matter and relevant learning lessons and trainings will be conducted so that improvements are made.” Another said, “I have been trained and we all know how to maintain a safe environment for our clients [people].” The registered manager had systems in place to record, report and investigate concerns. She said, “All my staff are trained and we are committed to ensuring our clients [people] are safe and secure. We report all concerns.”

Records confirmed systems relating to safeguarding and accidents and incidents were in place and effective. Where appropriate, mental capacity assessments were in place to support people to make their own decisions.

Involving people to manage risks

Score: 3

People were involved in their assessments and reviews which included in managing their risks. One person said, “We did the original plan together which we have talked over each time there’s a review.” Spot checks, and care reviews evidenced people had been involved in decisions about risks and their care.

The registered manager told us and records confirmed people and, where appropriate their relatives were involved in mitigating risks to people’s care. The registered manager said, “We talk about risks during spot checks and reviews of people’s care. The staff are involved and let me know how risks are developing and being managed.”

Spot checks and care reviews were regularly conducted, which included a review of people’s risks. Staff considered patterns and trends in order to minimize the risks to people and inform staff how to support people safely.

Safe environments

Score: 3

People told they were safe in their home and staff told us they checked equipment before use. People commented on risks in their home. Comments included, “I use a frame to get about and I have a seat in my shower, but I need to have them [staff] there, couldn't manage without them to keep me safe” and “They [staff] tidy up the kitchen, do jobs around the house so I’m safe moving around.”

Environment risk assessments were held in care plans and staff were aware of these risks. We spoke to the registered manager who told us, “We go over all risks on risk reviews and spot checks with both our clients and staff.”

Environment risk assessments were in place and reviewed regularly.

Safe and effective staffing

Score: 3

People told us there were sufficient staff to support them safely. They told us staff were mostly punctual and if staff were running late, they were informed. No one we spoke with had experienced a missed visit. Most people said they were supported by regular staff. People’s comments included, “I get the full calls, [staff] always turn up, never miss a call”, “Generally on time, they [staff] can’t help if they get held up on a previous call though, morning tends to be ok as it’s an early one”, “I do get told if there running late”, “I generally get the same carers [staff] which I like” and “They never seem to be late but maybe that's because they know I rely on them. I always get the same regular group[staff] come in, I ask them who's coming back in, so I always know.” One person spoke with us about staff knowledge. They said, “The carers [staff] do know me well, and they are very knowledgeable.”

Staff told us there was enough staff to support people safely. Comments included, “The service has enough staff to support the service users. We always receive trainings and supervision to keep on improving our standards. We get enough support always so that we do our job safely” and “Yes, we do have enough staff.”

The registered manager had robust recruitment procedures in place to ensure only suitable staff of good character were recruited. Background and work history checks were conducted, and references were sought. Criminal background checks also took place. This allowed the registered manager make safer recruitment decisions. A supervision/appraisal programme was in place for staff and records confirmed planned supervisions took place. This supported staff in their work. Records confirmed staff were trained in their roles and they benefitted from ongoing training.

Infection prevention and control

Score: 3

We asked people about infection control and staff practices. Their comments included, “Always wash their hands when they [staff] come in and wear full PPE (personal protective equipment)”, “They’re always immaculate, PPE and washing hands” and “They [staff] wash their hands, wear aprons, gloves and masks.”

The registered manager spoke with us about infection control. She said, “Spot checks are conducted to ensure staff are using PPE correctly. Stocks of PPE are adequate, and my staff are well trained.” Staff told us that PPE was readily available and they had completed infection control training.

An Infection control policy was in place and checks were conducted to ensure staff followed safe practice. All staff had been trained.

Medicines optimisation

Score: 3

People told us they received their medicine as prescribed. Their comments included, “They [staff] check I have had my medication and if not give it to me”, “They give me my medication” and “They don't give me my medication but prompt me to take it.”

People received their medicine as prescribed. Staff had been trained and followed any specialist guidance. Staff told us they had been trained and were confident in administering medicine. Staff were also aware of what actions to take if issues arose relating to people’s medicine.

Medicines were managed electronically and records were accurate, complete and up to date. The electronic system conducted medicine audits providing the registered manager with an overview of medicines performance. Medicines were reviewed when an issue was identified, or a care review was conducted. The system identified there had been no medicine errors in 2024. The registered manager said, “This is a good system, it’s accurate, up to date and staff find it easy to use.”