Updated 21 November 2024
Date of assessment: 9 December 2024 to 23 December 2024. Bridge Haven is a residential care home supporting people who are living with dementia. We completed this assessment after concerns about risk management were identified from information we had received. We found the provider continued to provide a good service. Potential risks to people’s health and welfare had been assessed and there was guidance for staff about how to mitigate the risks. Accidents and incidents had been recorded, analysed and patterns identified, these incidents had been used as learning to improve the quality of the service. There was clear oversight and management of the service. Staff told us they were supported and were confident to raise concerns and that action would be taken. Staff responded to people’s changing needs and supported them to access healthcare. People received their medicines as prescribed, there were enough staff to meet people’s needs. Staff received training appropriate for their role and received regular supervision. The provider had policies to protect people’s confidentiality and support equality and diversity.