Is the service safe?Some aspects of the service were not safe and these had not been identified or addressed by the provider.
People were supported by staff who were aware of their responsibilities to safeguard them from harm and to report any concerns.
Where people had identified risks, for example with their skin and falls, we saw that an appropriate assessment had been completed. A plan of support to ensure the person was supported safely by staff had been completed.
The provider operated a safe and appropriate recruitment procedure to help protect people from harm. We saw that appropriate pre-employment checks had been completed.
People were not always protected from the risks of unsafe or inappropriate care and treatment as their records did not always contain accurate and appropriate information.
We have asked the provider to tell us what they are going to do to meet the requirements of the law and the improvements they intend to make in relation to the record keeping within the home.
Is the service effective?
We saw that the service involved other healthcare professionals as required. People in the home had access to a GP who attended the home a minimum of once a month to see people who required medical assistance. We saw from people's care records that appropriate referrals had been made to occupational therapists and dieticians when required.
The home had ensured that where a risk had been identified, action had been taken. For example, we saw that when a person's skin damage had deteriorated, the home had responded to their needs by seeking the appropriate healthcare professional and had followed their guidance.
Is the service caring?
People who lived at Jasmine Court told us their needs were met and told us they felt they received a good standard of care. One person told us, 'They staff here look after me, they are very caring.' Another person who chose to spend the day in their room told us, 'They (the staff) always come and see me, I never feel alone.'
We spoke with one person who told us they had recently moved into the home. They said the staff had really helped them to adjust to their new lifestyle and surroundings. They told us, 'They (the staff) have made sure I'm ok and settled. They will do anything you ask to help you. They are friendly.'
We made observations where people received the support they needed and people told us their needs were met by staff. For example, where people needed hoisting to move from one chair to another, this was done in accordance with the person's needs.
Is the service responsive?
People told us they were involved in their care planning and decisions about care. We saw that people had been consulted during their care planning and had signed to confirm their involvement. In addition, documents showed that people had discussed their care with healthcare professionals such as an occupational therapist.
People who lived at the home were very complimentary about the staff employed at the home and the care they received. They told us they felt respected as an individual and they told us the staff listened to them. One person told us, 'I really feel I'm important to them (the staff).' Another person told us, 'I do as I wish all the time here, the staff respect that.' A person's relative told us, 'It seems very homely here, they (the staff) always let us know what's going on.'
Is the service well led?
Some aspects of the service were not well led and these had not been identified or addressed by the provider.
Staff at the home told us they felt well supported by the registered manager.
We saw that there were systems in place to monitor the quality and safety of the service provided. This included, for example, care reviews with people's relatives and comment cards to gather the views of the people who lived at the home and their relatives.
There were some suitable auditing system to manage the health, safety and welfare of people living at the home. These audits included the home's cleanliness and the safety of the environment. However, we found there was no system in operation that monitored the accuracy of people's care records.
Any accidents and incidents that occurred in the home were recorded and analysed to establish any trends.
We have asked the provider to tell us what they are going to do to meet the requirements of the law and the improvements they intend to make in relation to the monitoring of record keeping.