9 November 2011
During a routine inspection
Throughout the course of our visit we observed staff interacting with the people who use the service in a very respectful, kind and courteous manner. All the staff we met demonstrated a good understanding of the needs of the person they supported and were observed taking their time to listen and act upon what they told them.
This individual told us all the staff who worked at the service always treated them well and respected their privacy and dignity: Comments we received, included: 'Staff are fantastic here ' if I have got a problem I can talk to any of them', 'All the staff listen to me and always take me seriously', 'Staff always knock on my bedroom door before coming in', and 'staff we fantastic when I had my fall and made sure I went straight to hospital'.
This person also told us staff were good at encouraging them to do as much for themselves as they felt willing and able to do. They said: 'I make my own dinners and I can ask staff to help me in the kitchen if I cannot cook something', 'Staff help me look after my own medicines, which I keep locked away in my bedroom', and 'I buy all my own food from the local shops'.
The feedback we received from this person about the opportunities they had to choose what they did each day was also very positive. Typical comments, included: 'I can choose what I eat at mealtimes', 'I can go out shopping and have a bath whenever I want', and 'I meet my key-worker every day who always asks me how we can make Brigstock a better place to live'.
Comments we received about opportunities this person has to purse their social interests was also very positive. This individual said: 'I never get bored here', 'I love watching television, and sometimes staff sit with us', and 'I go out shopping in the local shops quite a lot, which I enjoy'.
We were told by the person who uses the service that they felt safe living at the Brigstock Project and if they were unhappy or concerned about anything they would tell the staff about it.
All the services bedrooms and communal areas are decorated and furnished to a very high standard. The building is well maintained and looked clean. The person who lives there was very complimentary about the Projects environment and told us: 'I have got everything I need in my bedroom', 'Its great that I have got a shower in my room' and 'You can arrange your room however you like it ' I am happy with the way mine looks'.
However, the feedback we received from them about their care plan was more mixed. This individual told us they were sure they had a care plan, but they could not remember seeing a copy of it or being asked by staff to help them develop it.