Archived: Human Support Group Limited - Altrincham

6th Floor Station House, Stamford New Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 1EP (0161) 942 9490

Provided and run by:
The Human Support Group Limited

All Inspections

During a check to make sure that the improvements required had been made

We asked the manager to provide us with evidence, they were supporting people to be able to eat and drink sufficient amounts to meet their needs, following compliance actions we set.

We were shown evidence that nutrition and hydration training is a core module for all staff on induction and the manager told us refresher training is available for all staff as and when required.

The manager told us; in the event that concerns are raised for an individual a review will be arranged as part of a multi- disciplinary team to safeguard people against risk, self-neglect, malnutrition or dehydration. Any safeguarding concerns will be referred.

The Human Suppot group work in partnership with Dieticians and health care professionals to deliver a bespoke package of care to meet individual needs.

19 July 2013

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We carried out this inspection to follow up on minor concerns we highlighted during our previous inspection in April 2013.

The manager told us since our last inspection they had completed 70% of reviews and they were on target to review all care records alongside reviewing all new assessments and care plans written by senior care staff

As part of our inspection we spoke to the manager, two staff, two people using the service and one relative, alongside reviewing seven records of care.

In all of the seven care records we looked at we found evidence of people's needs being assessed and care and treatment was planned and delivered in line with their individual care plan.

We saw in all the care records information about the individuals personal preferences, likes and dislikes, although in some records this was limited, this was where people were new to the service.

We noted clear care plans were in place in all of the records and these were linked to the assessments of need.

The two people we spoke to who were receiving care told us: 'Very good, do what I want, they (carers) seem OK. One carer used to rush me sometimes, but everything is great at the moment I am not rushed, they always ask me if there is anything else I need before they leave.' I have had wonderful care, better than I thought, I am very proud of what they do for me. I don't know how I would have lived without them, they take notice of me. I want to say thank you.'

18, 19 April 2013

During a routine inspection

As part of our inspection we spoke with eight people or their advocates they told us: 'They just seem to be really good at what they do, with a minimum of distress.' ' I am heavily involved in the care provided for X, there is good communication with co-ordinators, although I act on X's behalf, they always ask them what they would like.' 'There was a high turnover of staff, but X (care co-ordinator) seems to be getting us consistent staff now.' 'Overall consistency of staff is very good, if they have to bring someone new in, they are nearly always with someone we know.' 'Call times are fine, once or twice we have had a missed call, but this has been rectified, and if they are going to be late the office let us know.'

During our inspection we found that people who use the service understood the care and treatment choices available to them.

As part of our inspection we looked at eight care records. We raised our concerns with the manager, that in three care records we found limited information which reflected the care needs of individuals. The manager told us, that they were aware of issues with some people's care records which had been highlighted in an audit during November 2012.

During our inspection we looked at the safeguarding policy, and spoke with seven members of staff, all of whom were clear about their roles and responsibilities in safeguarding vulnerable adults.

There were enough qualified, skilled and experienced staff to meet people's needs.

26 April 2012

During an inspection in response to concerns

We spoke with two people who use the service. They told us they were happy with the care they received and that staff were helpful and always explained what they were doing. People told us they would contact the office if they had any concerns.

People told us that the care staff were generally good and helpful. On person told us they had never had an instance where care staff were late or did not arrive.

Another person told us that they had experienced staff arriving late on a number of occasions a few months ago. They told us they reported this to the provider and they had not had any concerns since then.

17 June 2011

During an inspection in response to concerns

People using this service were satisfied with the actual care and support they received. A person using the service said, 'I am happy with the carers and wouldn't change them for anything.' The wife of a person who had been using the service for three years said that she was, 'very satisfied with the care her husband received. The carers are very, very good.'

Some of the people we spoke to had concerns with late and missed visits and how this was communicated to them by staff in the office. One person told us that office staff sometimes failed to call them back. One person using the service told us that one of her tea-time visits had been missed the week previously. The provider had not realised this until the person phoned to tell them. Another person was concerned about visiting times being changed to fit in with the needs of other people using the service. She was also concerned about not being informed of who was coming to provide her care and support.

The people we spoke to confirmed that support staff treated them with respect and provided their care and support according to their personal preferences.

Two people we contacted needed support with their mobility. They told us that staff used equipment, such as hoists, in a safe way.